Overview of products and services
As Australia’s largest regional passenger rail and coach service provider, V/Line connects Victorians to jobs, education, services, events, family and friends.
It also connects exporters to global markets by providing an open-access freight rail network.
V/Line is experiencing historic growth in demand for regional rail and coach services. The Victorian and Commonwealth Governments are working to meet that growth through a once-in-a-generation investment in regional transport upgrades, as part of the Regional Rail Revival.
V/Line Corporation sees its purpose as providing a connected and bright future for all Victorians.
Vision for developing project management leadership
V/Line Corporation is a critical project management partner in delivering large-scale investments in the Victorian regional rail network.
V/Line brings unparalleled technical and operational knowledge to major infrastructure project management. This ensures these projects integrate seamlessly with existing technologies and systems while delivering value for the resources invested.
The V/Line vision for project leadership is to build and retain exceptional leadership capability upon which Victoria’s future generations will rely to maintain social and economic growth of regional Victoria.